C-SMARTSEAL produces external composite repair products, to rebuild properties of existing materials; resolving the challenges of additional resources required for replacement. C-SMARTSEAL’s products excel in sealing leak on live pipes, valves, tanks, and other structures. The rebuilding properties of our composite repair products allow extension of life span, reducing the need to replace vital components of critical systems.
The specially formulated composite repair products and solutions are applicable for systems experiencing extreme conditions as they are compliant with “ASME PCC-2-2015 REPAIR OF PRESSURE EQUIPMENT AND PIPING – Article 4.1 Non-Metallic Composite Repair Systems: High-Risk Applications”. The products are also tested under rigorous conditions by a third-party certification standard (such as TÜV SÜD).
Design Standard:

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C-SMARTSEAL products range are classified into sub-brands for easier grouping and understanding of different product categories. The key sub-brands are SEALXTREME for repair kits, FIX'N'FAST BOND for metal putties, SMARTSTIC for epoxy sticks, CORSMART for anti-corrosion epoxy coatings, QUIKCONTROL for tapes & patches, WRAP-PRO for clamps & couplings.