Industry : Semi-Conductor
Leak area: Dia200mm Gate Valve - Flange Leak
System Medium: Natural Gas
System Pressure: 2.5Bar
Valve body: Cast Iron
Leak Conditions:
A natural gas leak was detected at 2200hrs on a Dia200mm Gate Valve with an operating pressure of 2.5Bar. Immediate rectification was required due to the flammable medium. For the safety of everyone and the properties around, Alstern provided immediate Composite Leak Repair to contain the leak.
Leak Solutions:
Leak Repair Method: Composite Repair
Leak repair conditions: Live Leak Repair (no operation shutdown)
Leak Addressed Time Required: 3hours
Leak Address Products:
• SmartStic Underwater epoxy
• Stainless-Steel clip
• Fix & Fast Bond Repair putty
• CorSmart Resin SealXtreme
• Fiber Glass tape
Products Full Cure: 24hours
Technical Solutions:
Composite Leak Repair methodology was adopted for its fast and quick curing properties. It could be applied anytime and anywhere without system shut down. It also has the flexibility to seal leak on odd-shape. This was a perfect scenario to adopt composite repair for the irregular valve body flange leak instead of conventional clamp repair. The leak was contained within 3hours upon the Alstern’s specialists arrived. The Conventional repair clamp would require lead time to fabricate and the system would be required to shut down.
SmartStic® Underwater epoxy was used as the primary sealant to seal leak and anchored via the Stainless-Steel clip. Fix & Fast Bond® Repair putty was used to form an
external strengthening on the leak area. The leak location was observed for 6hours to ensure that the leak was fully sealed. Encasement was fabricated immediately and CorSmart® Resin & Activator was used to fill the encasement, forming the secondary seal. The repair putty and resin provided high strength and high wear and tear resistance. The final protection was done by using the QuikControl® Fiber Glass tape. Providing the repair, a smooth ecstatic surface with weather resistance properties.
*Credits to Alstern Technologies’s specialists and Alchem Manufacturing’s
repair products